Immediate digital start using our on-line "myE-Service" customer portal

Developed together with our customers

The idea for the improved version of our web-based customer support system originated at an innovation workshop for Dillinger employees. The essential functionalities were then quickly outlined and an initial prototype developed. This was improved on the basis of active customer input in a large number of individual steps.
What potentials does myE-Service deliver?

To a large extent, everything revolves around the customers’ orders. The following functions are implemented in the first expansion phase:
Comprehensive customer service adds extra value

In myE-Service, Dillinger’s customers have at their disposal at no extra cost a comprehensive service package: all important data can be displayed in up-to-date status at any time of day and from any location, and assessed on-line. This makes the progress of production traceable, and planning certainty, documentation and Quality Control are improved for the customer. This level of transparency and availability puts Dillinger clearly ahead of the competition.

Even more worthwhile functions are to be implemented in the next expansion stage. We’re not going to tell you any more right now, but we’ll be sure to give you full details when the time comes!

Log on right now and join the myE-Service Community

You have no account yet, but you’d like to get all the benefits of myE‑Service as soon as possible? Then register today on the myE‑Service-Page. Your personal username and password will be sent promptly.

The "myE-Service Tutorials" on the E‑Service-Page itself describe the App in easy steps. And our marketing and sales staff, of course, also look forward to showing you the whole bandwidth of possibilities. Just contact us!
© Dillinger
Tobias Graf
Marketing & Technical Support

Tel.: +49 6831 473451
Fax: +49 6831 473089

Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke, Werkstraße 1, 66763 Dillingen/Saar, Telefon: +49 6831 47 0, Telefax: +49 6831 47 2212, Sitz: Dillingen/Saar, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 23001, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Reinhard Störmer, Vorstand: Stefan Rauber (Vors.), Joerg Disteldorf, Daniël Nicolaas van der Hout, Dr. Peter Maagh, Markus Lauer, Jonathan Weber

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